3 min read

Finishing the Race

Why Men Quit and Women Don’t. The tweet caught my eye.

I wanted to see for myself the percentage of women and men that finished the Boston Marathon. I found the 2018 data here: http://registration.baa.org/2018/cf/Public/iframe_Statistics.htm. I replaced the year in the URL to get earlier years back to 2010. Then I scraped the data using R and the package rvest.

prefix <- "http://registration.baa.org/"
suffix <- "/cf/Public/iframe_Statistics.htm"

Year <- 2010:2018
# create empty list for results
results <- setNames(vector("list", length(Year)), Year)
for(i in 1:9) {
  # the 2018 data were in different rows than the other years
  getrows <- if(i<9) 4:5 else 6:7
  df <- read_html(paste0(prefix, Year[i], suffix)) %>%
    html_nodes("table") %>%
    # grab the 4th table
    .[4] %>%
    html_table(fill=TRUE) %>%
    # extract the first element from the list
    .[[1]] %>%
    # extract given rows and columns from the data frame
    .[getrows, c(1, 3:4)]
  # assign names (again, to deal with the different 2018 data)
  names(df) <- c("Gender", "Starters", "Finishers")
  results[[i]] <- df

# convert list to data frame
race <- bind_rows(results, .id="Year") %>%
  # convert numbered columns to numeric
  type_convert() %>%
  # convert Gender to a factor
    Gender = factor(Gender, level=c("female", "male"),
      label=c("Female", "Male"))

I used the binom.confint() function from the binom package to calculate exact binomial confidence intervals around the percentage of starters that finished the race. Then I plotted the percentage of finishers, by gender, over time. (I did not include the data from 2013, when the race was cut short by the bombing.)

prop <- with(race, binom.confint(Finishers, Starters, method="exact"))

raceprop <- bind_cols(race, 100*prop[, 4:6]) %>%
  ) %>%
    # set 2013 finishers to missing, marathon was cut short by bombing
    Finishers = ifelse(Year==2013, NA, Finishers),
    PctFinishers = ifelse(Year==2013, NA, PctFinishers),
    PctFinLo = ifelse(Year==2013, NA, PctFinLo),
    PctFinHi = ifelse(Year==2013, NA, PctFinHi)

ggplot(raceprop, aes(Year, PctFinishers, color=Gender)) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=PctFinLo, ymax=PctFinHi), width=0.2, alpha=0.5,
    position=position_dodge(width=0.2)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line(size=1) +
  labs(y="Finishers  (% of starters)", title="Boston Marathon Finishers") +

In most years, a higher percentage of males finish the race than females. The two exceptions were 2012, which was “an unusually hot 86-degree day” and 2018, which had “horizontal rain and freezing temperatures.” Interesting.

datatable(raceprop, options=list(pageLength=25)) %>%
  formatCurrency(c("Starters", "Finishers"), currency="", digits=0) %>%
  formatRound(c("PctFinishers", "PctFinLo", "PctFinHi"), 1)