Have you ever wanted to get a list of movies that a particular pair of people have worked on? For example, what movies have Tina Fey and Amy Poehler been in together? I’ve not seen a search for movie pairs addressed elsewhere, so I thought I’d give it a shot.
I looked for an R package that would help me access a movie API, for free. I found TMDb, which provides an R interface to The Movie Database API. First, I had to sign up for an account. Then I had to login and apply for an API key.
The first thing I want to do is find all of the movies associated with a given person. I wrote functions to handle this in two steps: finding the ID of a person with name2id()
, and finding the movies associated with an ID with id2movie()
Finding the ID of a person was a little tricky because sometimes the search_person()
function yields more than one person for a provided name. In this case, I show a data frame of names and the movies they’re known for. The user will then have to indicate in future calls which person from this data frame they mean. I tested it out a nonexistent name, a fragment of a name, and a name with more than one person.
name2id <- function(who, which=NA, mykey=Sys.getenv("TMDB_API_KEY")) {
peeps <- search_person(mykey, who)
if(peeps$total_results<1) {
warning(paste("No", who, "found."))
} else {
peeps2 <- peeps$results
if(peeps$total_results>1) {
if(is.na(which)) {
peeps3 <- cbind(name=peeps2$name,
works=sapply(peeps2$known_for, function(df)
paste(df$title, collapse=", ")))
warning("Multiple people found. Rerun setting the argument 'which' to the number of the person you mean.")
} else {
peeps2 <- peeps2[which, ]
## [1] 10205
## [1] NA
name2id("Ron Howard")
## name
## [1,] "Ron Howard"
## [2,] "Ronald Howard"
## works
## [1,] "A Beautiful Mind, The Da Vinci Code, Rush"
## [2,] "Murder She Said, The Browning Version, The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb"
## [1] NA
name2id("Ron Howard", 1)
## [1] 6159
Getting the movies for a given ID is also a bit tricky, because the discover_movie()
function returns only one page of 20 movies at a time.
id2movies <- function(id, mykey=Sys.getenv("TMDB_API_KEY")) {
init <- discover_movie(mykey, with_people=id)
npages <- init$total_pages
movie.list <- lapply(1:npages, function(p)
discover_movie(mykey, with_people=id, page=p)$results)
movies <- bind_rows(movie.list) %>%
mutate(released=as.Date(release_date)) %>%
arrange(!is.na(released), desc(released)) %>%
select(id, title, released)
datatable(id2movies(name2id("Emma Stone")))
Now I can apply these functions to a pair of names, then combine their movies to see which ones overlap. (Hover over points to identify the release year and movie title.)
moviepair <- function(People, Which=c(NA, NA)) {
Person1 <- id2movies(name2id(People[1], Which[1])) %>%
mutate(person1 = -1)
Person2 <- id2movies(name2id(People[2], Which[2])) %>%
mutate(person2 = 1)
pair <- full_join(Person1, Person2) %>%
person1 = replace(person1, is.na(person1), 0),
person2 = replace(person2, is.na(person2), 0),
`1`=People[1], `2`="Both", `3`=People[2]),
levels=c(People[1], "Both", People[2]))
if(sum(pair$Who=="Both") < 1) stop("No movies in common.")
p <- ggplot(pair,
aes(Who, released, text=paste0(substring(released, 1, 4), ": ", title))) +
geom_point() +
geom_text(data=pair[pair$Who=="Both", ], aes(Who, released,
label=paste("\n", title))) +
labs(x="", y="") +
ggplotly(p, tooltip="text")
moviepair(c("Tina Fey", "Amy Poehler"))
I’d like to make this blog post interactive, so anyone could put in a pair of names and see the resulting plot of movies. A Shiny app would do it. Perhaps another day.